
Amazing potential for growth/income. GUARANTEED SALE. FIRST BID MEETS THE RESERVE PRICE.

  • Asking Price $ 50
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Description is a website that I have put together which has an amazing potential for growth. pulls in contents from around the web and displays them all onto 1 site. The contents to be pulled in can be picked by the new owner and you can add as many sources as you would like. I have picked a few specific niches such as, tech, entertainment, celebrity news and more. These selections were of my personal choice and can be easily modified to your liking. The website is built on WordPress so it is fully customizable. I have spent many countless hours picking and editing the perfect theme and plugin selections to make this site as operational as it needs to be. is fully responsive, so it looks and works great on all devices. The feeds are pulled in automatically at specific intervals that I have chosen (every 2 hours) but that can be modified by you. All the hard work is done. All that is required for you to do at this point is to login and scroll through the drafts and chose what posts you would like to publish. This is very easy and anyone can do it. I am willing to provide all the support and help the buyer asks for. I will not simply sell and forget about you. I do not want to see this site fail as it means a lot to me. I will work with the buyer all along the way. I have integrated AdSense onto my site, it follows all the terms and guidelines of Google AdSense. I have yet to generate an income (a mere $6.70) but that is because my site is relatively new and I have not yet gotten around to work on marketing to generate more traffic, hence more income. There is great potential here. A similar site ( is making about 100K/week in ad income. This is a huge market to be tapped into and if you put in the hard work it can be achieved. Your only expense is hosting which is currently costing me $10/month and advertising cost if you wish to do so. Please send me a message if you have any concerns or questions.



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