
Twitter app website with paid members

  • Asking Price $ 5000
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Currently we have 37,283 users authenticated through twitter, this is after a reset on that number after a site rebuild about a year ago. Might be a little longer than that, or even shorter. 108 users are paid members. It is as low as $2 per month (they pay for 1 year) and up to $4 per month (if they pay monthly). I implemented this maybe 6 months ago. The past year it had the following stats: 124,706 Sessions 63,440 Users 484,426 Page Views 3.88 Pages per session 3 min 36 sec avg session duration 34.68% bounce rate 50.19% new sessions Here are the earnings from the past year via google adsense. At one point in time it made over 700 a month but that was years ago. $766.13 Estimated Earnings 388,908 Page Views 798,474 Impressions 4,048 Clicks $1.97 Page RPM $0.96 Impression RPM Over the it's lifetime it has the following stats in Adsense $57,436.51 Estimated Earnings 56,692,502 Page Views 110,698,066 Impressions 168,667 Clicks $1.01 Page RPM Let me know if there is any other info you may want. I think it has a lot of potential, I have never done SEO stuff with it and never marketed it really. I am really just looking for $10,000 for the site. Getting married and can use that for the honeymoon. I can provide access to Google Analytics and Adsense to prove numbers.



$ 250
$ 0


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